[Test applications]

Win32 console application "TestEnvironment.exe" demonstrates the usage of class Environment which allows access to several aspects of the runtime environment (directories, command line, environment variable). More...

Collaboration diagram for TestEnvironment:

Win32 console application "TestEnvironment.exe" demonstrates the usage of class Environment which allows access to several aspects of the runtime environment (directories, command line, environment variable).

Log: Run with specific command line arguments (see below):

 Initial settings after default construction
   GetNameOfComputer      : SIRIUS
   GetNameOfUser          : Gerald
   GetCommandLineStr      : TestEnvironment.exe -trace TestEnvironment.6 -verbous 2.15 ThisWillBeSkipped -optWithoutParam -lastOpt lastValue 
   GetExeFileFullPath     : C:\My Target\debug\TestEnvironment.exe
   GetExeDir              : C:\My Target\debug
   GetExeDrive            : C:
   GetSourceDir           : c:\userdata\gerald\sw\c\testtoolbox
   GetSourceDrive         : c:
   GetOutputDir           : C:\My Target\debug
   GetReferenceDir        : C:\My Target\debug
 Cut Source dir (CutSourceDirAfter), explicitly set out/ref dirs (SetOutputDir, SetReferenceDir)
   GetSourceDir           : c:\userdata\gerald\sw
   GetOutputDir           : W:\MyDirs\TestOutput
   GetReferenceDir        : Z:\MyArchive\Expected Test Reactions
 Explicitly set source directory (SetSourceDir)
   GetSourceDir           : Q:\SomeImaginaryDir\MyProject
   GetSourceDrive         : Q:
 Aceessing command line
 GetCommandLine         : TestEnvironment.exe -trace TestEnvironment.6 -verbous 2.15 ThisWillBeSkipped -optWithoutParam -lastOpt lastValue 
 Existence Check (IsExistingCommandLineOption)
   -trace               : true
   -notExisting         : false
 Access as string (GetCommandLineOption)
   -verbous             : >2.15<
   -trace               : >TestEnvironment.6<
   -notExisting         : ><
 Access as numeric value (GetCommandLineOptionVal<>, ignoring conversion errors)
   -verbous (int)       : 2
   -verbous (float)     : 2.15
   -trace (long)        : 0
   -notExisting (double): 0
 Detecting conversion errors by catching exceptions
   Could not convert command line option >-trace< with value >TestEnvironment.6< to type >long<
   Could not convert command line option >-notExisting< with value >< to type >double<
 Accessing system environment variables
 Existence Check (IsExistingSystemEnvVariable,GetSystemEnvVariable)
   TTB_TestVariable                 : [not existing]
   TTB_TestVariable2                : false
   HOMEPATH                         : true
 Access as string (GetSystemEnvVariable)
   TTB_TestVariable                 : ><
   TTB_TestVariable2                : ><
   HOMEPATH                         : >\Dokumente und Einstellungen\Gerald<
 Access as string after having set some values (SetSystemEnvVariable)
   TTB_TestVariable                 : >17.345 ABC 0123<
   TTB_TestVariable2                : >ABCD<
 Reading as numeric value (GetSystemEnvVariableVal<>, ignoring conversion errors)
   TTB_TestVariable (long)          : 17
   TTB_TestVariable (double)        : 17.345
   TTB_TestVariable2 (long)         : 0
   TTB_NotExistingVariable (double) : 0
 Detecting conversion errors by catching exceptions
   Could not convert environment variable >TTB_TestVariable2< with value >ABCD< to type >long<
   Could not convert environment variable >TTB_NotExistingVariable< with value >< to type >double<
 Starting not existing exefile (StartExeFile,GetErrorDescription)
   Start of executable d:\NotExistingDir\notepad.exe failed (details (GetErrorDescription) see trace output)
 Starting second instance of this application to verify changed environment variables

 Second instance starts here:

 Only checking environment variables
   TTB_TestVariable                 : >17.345 ABC 0123<
   TTB_TestVariable2                : >ABCD<
   TTB_LongVariable                 : >12345<
   TTB_DoubleVariable               : >3.14<
   TTB_BoolVariable                 : >1<
   HOMEPATH                         : >\Dokumente und Einstellungen\Gerald<

 Second instance terminates now

   Success starting second instance C:\My Target\debug\TestEnvironment.exe
See also:
TestEnvironment.cpp (file documentation)
TestToolBox::Environment (class documentation)
Using Environment (usage documentation)
Generated on Fri May 27 22:52:15 2011 for TestToolBox by  doxygen 1.6.3