Using Environment
[Using instructions]

Class Environment allows easy access to path informations, system environment variables and command line arguments. More...

Collaboration diagram for Using Environment:

Detailed Description

Class Environment allows easy access to path informations, system environment variables and command line arguments.

This class allows to manage/access/change the informations as described in the following section. It is the task of the application itself to make use of this information in a suitable way corresponding to the application's purpose. The class Environment itself simply provides the information and makes no use of it.

The following features are supported.

Examples of Usage:

 #include "TestToolBox\EnvironmentImpl.h"
 namespace TTB = TestToolBox;

 // define input path somewhere within source directories
 // Remark: at startup the source directory is the directory
 // where file environmentImpl.h is stored
 std::string myInputFilePath = TTB::TheEnvironment()->GetSourceDir()
     + "MyInputFiles\\TestCaseA.input"

 // accessing command line
 if (TTB::TheEnvironment()->IsExistingCommandLineOption("-trace"))
 long numOfExecutions = TTB::TheEnvironment()->GetCommandLineOptionVal<long>("-numExecutions")

 // accessing environment variable
 bool produceDetailedOutput = TTB::TheEnvironment()->GetSystemEnvVariableVal<bool>("DetailedOutput");

 // Display a textual description of a system error code as received via
 // return value or via GetLastError()
 if (!SomeSystemFunctionCall())
     DWORD errCode = ::GetLastError();
     cout << "Function failed, reason: "
         << TTB::Environment::GetErrorDescription(errCode).c_str() << std::endl;

 // Start notepad to display some test results
See also:
Environment.h (File documentation)
TestToolBox::Environment (class documentation)
TestEnvironment (unit test for class Environment)
Generated on Fri May 27 22:51:14 2011 for TestToolBox by  doxygen 1.6.3