TestToolBox::ErrorEvents< T_CATEGORY, T_ERROR_ID, T_SEVERITY > Class Template Reference

This class stores the error events as they occure during test execution. For more info about usage see Using ErrorEvents. More...

#include <errorevents.h>

Inheritance diagram for TestToolBox::ErrorEvents< T_CATEGORY, T_ERROR_ID, T_SEVERITY >:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for TestToolBox::ErrorEvents< T_CATEGORY, T_ERROR_ID, T_SEVERITY >:
Collaboration graph

List of all members.

Private Attributes

ErrorList m_errorList
 List of errors of type ErrorEvent.


void SetErrorSync (bool in_syncOnError)
 Activates or deactivates a synchronization event for each received error message which is not filtered out.
void SetImmediateErrorLog (bool in_immediateLog)
 Activates or deactivates the immediate logging of an error as an informational message in the moment of error creation.
void DeleteStoredErrorsAfterReport (bool in_autoDelete)
void SetNotificationActionForErrorMsgNum (long in_errorMsgNum, NotificationAction in_notificationAction)
void IgnoreErrorContainingTextPattern (std::string const &in_text)
void ClearStoredTextPatterns (void)

Methods to be used indirectly from production code

void CreateError (std::string const &in_rDescription, long in_errMsgNum=0, ErrorId in_extErrorId=ErrorId(), long in_intErrorId=0, Category in_category=Category(), Severity in_severity=Severity())
void AddAsChildError (ErrorId inExtErrorIdParent, ErrorId inExtErrorIdChild)

Methods to be used from test scripts

void ReportStoredErrors (void)
 Report all stored errros as TestEvents.
void DeleteStoredErrors (void)
 Delete all stored errros.
bool ErrorOk (T_ERROR_ID in_extErrorId)
 Checks if the given id represents an error (i.e. id is different from 0). In case of error the error chain is written to test events and false is returned.

Detailed Description

template<typename T_CATEGORY, typename T_ERROR_ID, typename T_SEVERITY>
class TestToolBox::ErrorEvents< T_CATEGORY, T_ERROR_ID, T_SEVERITY >

This class stores the error events as they occure during test execution. For more info about usage see Using ErrorEvents.

See also:
ErrorEvents.h (File documentation)
GrpTestExtensionsForBoost (unit test using boost.Test and ErrorEvents)
Using ErrorEvents (Usage documentation)

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Generated on Fri May 27 22:56:07 2011 for TestToolBox by  doxygen 1.6.3