Using EventReceiver
[Using instructions]

Support for event processing of test events Class IEventReceiver defines an interface to which any kind of test events (e.g. protocol entries, detected errors,...) can be passed. More...

Collaboration diagram for Using EventReceiver:


 EventReceiver StdOut

Class EventReceiverStdOut analyzes the received test events and writes appropriate messages to stdout. Error events are counted and can be used to decide whether a test was successful.

Detailed Description

Support for event processing of test events Class IEventReceiver defines an interface to which any kind of test events (e.g. protocol entries, detected errors,...) can be passed.

See also:
IEventReceiver.h (File documentation)
TestToolBox::IEventReceiver (interface documentation)
TestToolBox::EventReceiverStdOut (simple receiver class writing to stdout)
Generated on Fri May 27 22:51:34 2011 for TestToolBox by  doxygen 1.6.3