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Store tasks with explicit control for execution - std::packaged_task


Asssume you have one or more time consuming calculations finally providing some result:

class CalculateSomething1
CalculateSomething(int in_val);
SomeResult1 operator()() {return ...}
class CalculateSomething2

Then you can store the execution within a task:

#include <future>
// Create function objects
CalculateSomething1 calc1(17);
CalculateSomething2 calc2(42);
// Define the tasks
std::packaged_task<SomeResult1()> calcTask1(calc1);
std::packaged_task<SomeResult2()> calcTask2(calc2);
// Get the futures for later requesting results
std::future<SomeResult1> calcResult1 = calcTask1.get_future();
std::future<SomeResult2> calcResult2 = calcTask2.get_future();
// Calculate result
// Attention: Works but synchronously executes
// the calculation in the calling thread!
// calcTask1();
// calcTask2();
// Better choose your own threads for execution
std::thread thread1 (std::move(calcTask1));
std::thread thread2 (std::move(calcTask2));
// Wait for end of calculation and get the results
SomeResult1 result1 = calcResult1.get();
SomeResult2 result2 = calcResult2.get();


Several packaged_tasks may be stored within a container and client code can use a set of available worker threads to process all container entries.

std::packaged_task - most used features

Method Description
get_future returns the future for later accessing the promised result
operator() executes the function which is stored within the packaged task. The function is executed in the calling thread! The client code is responsible for using a separate thread.

For more info see std::packaged_task - complete reference at