// Copyright(C) 2022 Gerald Fahrnholz
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
// Contact: http://www.gerald-fahrnholz.eu/impressum.php
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace TestExecWin_VS2022
public class TokenInfo
public string token { get; set; } // description read as last from source file
public bool exists { get; set; }
public int startIdx { get; set; }
public int endIdx { get; set; }
public bool fatalError { get; set; }
public TokenInfo()
token = "";
exists = false;
startIdx = -1;
endIdx = -1;
fatalError = false;
public void NotFound(int in_startIdx)
token = "";
exists = false;
startIdx = in_startIdx;
endIdx = -1;
public class MacroInfo
public string param1 { get; set; }
public string param2 { get; set; }
public MacroInfo(string in_param1, string in_param2)
param1 = in_param1;
param2 = in_param2;
public class ParseInfo
public string description { get; set; } // description read as last from source file
public string fileFullPath { get; set; }
public int lineIdx { get; set; }
public System.Collections.Generic.List<String> testGroups; // BOOST: hierarchical nested set of test suites, TTB: source file name
public ParseInfo(string in_fileFullPath)
description = "";
fileFullPath = in_fileFullPath;
lineIdx = 0;
testGroups = new System.Collections.Generic.List<string>(); // hierarchy of test groups
public int GetLineNum()
return lineIdx + 1;
public void AddTestGroup(string in_testGroup)
public void RemoveLastTestGroup()
public void RemoveAllTestGroups()
public string GetTestGroupHierarchyString()
string allTestGroups = "";
foreach (string grp in testGroups)
if (allTestGroups != "")
allTestGroups += "/";
allTestGroups += grp;
return allTestGroups;
class SourceFileParser
private readonly IEventReceiver m_eventReceiver;
public SourceFileParser(IEventReceiver in_eventReceiver)
m_eventReceiver = in_eventReceiver;
/// [parser_scan_dir]
public void ScanProjectDir(ProjectInfo projectInfo)
WriteLine(3, "ScanProjectDir-Begin");
// Recursively scan for .cpp files in project dir and all sub directories
System.IO.DirectoryInfo dir = new System.IO.DirectoryInfo(projectInfo.sourceDirPath);
var files = dir.GetFiles("*.cpp", System.IO.SearchOption.AllDirectories);
foreach (var file in files)
// Search for test macros and store them within "projectInfo"
ParseFile(projectInfo, file);
WriteLine(3, "ScanProjectDir-End");
/// [parser_scan_dir]
private bool LineContainsMacro(string in_macro, string line)
int posStartMacro = line.IndexOf(in_macro);
if (posStartMacro >= 0) // macro found
int posStartComment = line.IndexOf("//");
if ((posStartComment >= 0) && (posStartComment < posStartMacro))
WriteLine(3, "LineContainsMacro: macro " + in_macro + " within comment is ignored");
return false;
return true;
return false;
/// [parser_read_file]
private void ParseFile(ProjectInfo projectInfo, System.IO.FileInfo in_file)
WriteLine(3, "ParseFile-Begin " + in_file.FullName);
WriteLine(2, "File " + in_file.FullName);
// Read whole source file into array of strings
string[] lines = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines(in_file.FullName);
int numLines = lines.Length;
// During parsing we store information about found description,
// test suite and current line index within ParseInfo
ParseInfo parseInfo = new ParseInfo(in_file.FullName);
while (parseInfo.lineIdx < numLines)
string line = lines[parseInfo.lineIdx];
if (LineContainsMacro("TTB_TEST_FUNC_DESC",line))
MacroInfo macro = ReadMacro(projectInfo, parseInfo,
"TTB_TEST_FUNC_DESC", line, lines);
if (macro != null)
parseInfo.description = macro.param2;
projectInfo.appType = AppType.TTB;
CreateTestFuncInfo(projectInfo, parseInfo);
else if (LineContainsMacro("TTB_TEST_FUNC",line))
MacroInfo macro = ReadMacro(projectInfo, parseInfo,
"TTB_TEST_FUNC", line, lines);
if (macro != null)
parseInfo.description = macro.param1;
projectInfo.appType = AppType.TTB;
CreateTestFuncInfo(projectInfo, parseInfo);
else if (LineContainsMacro("BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE", line))
MacroInfo macro = ReadMacro(projectInfo, parseInfo,
if (macro != null)
parseInfo.description = macro.param1;
// Add "*" for correct call of test case
parseInfo.description += "*";
projectInfo.appType = AppType.BOOST;
CreateTestFuncInfo(projectInfo, parseInfo);
else if (LineContainsMacro("BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE",line))
MacroInfo macro = ReadMacro(projectInfo, parseInfo,
"BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE", line, lines);
if (macro != null)
parseInfo.description = macro.param1;
projectInfo.appType = AppType.BOOST;
CreateTestFuncInfo(projectInfo, parseInfo);
else if(LineContainsMacro("TTB_BOOST_TEST_CASE",line))
/// ...
/// [parser_read_file]
MacroInfo macro = ReadMacro(projectInfo, parseInfo,
"TTB_BOOST_TEST_CASE", line, lines);
if (macro != null)
parseInfo.description = macro.param1;
projectInfo.appType = AppType.BOOST;
CreateTestFuncInfo(projectInfo, parseInfo);
MacroInfo macro = ReadMacro(projectInfo, parseInfo,
if (macro != null)
parseInfo.description = macro.param1 + "*";
projectInfo.appType = AppType.BOOST;
CreateTestFuncInfo(projectInfo, parseInfo);
else if (LineContainsMacro("BOOST_DATA_TEST_CASE_F", line)) // also matches TTB_BOOST_DATA_TEST_CASE_F
MacroInfo macro = ReadMacro(projectInfo, parseInfo,
"BOOST_DATA_TEST_CASE_F", line, lines);
if (macro != null)
parseInfo.description = macro.param2 + "*";
projectInfo.appType = AppType.BOOST;
CreateTestFuncInfo(projectInfo, parseInfo);
else if (LineContainsMacro("BOOST_DATA_TEST_CASE", line)) // also matches TTB_BOOST_DATA_TEST_CASE
MacroInfo macro = ReadMacro(projectInfo, parseInfo,
"BOOST_DATA_TEST_CASE", line, lines);
if (macro != null)
parseInfo.description = macro.param1 + "*";
projectInfo.appType = AppType.BOOST;
CreateTestFuncInfo(projectInfo, parseInfo);
else if (LineContainsMacro("BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_CASE", line))
MacroInfo macro = ReadMacro(projectInfo, parseInfo,
"BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_CASE", line, lines);
if (macro != null)
parseInfo.description = macro.param1;
projectInfo.appType = AppType.BOOST;
CreateTestFuncInfo(projectInfo, parseInfo);
else if (LineContainsMacro("TTB_BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_CASE", line))
MacroInfo macro = ReadMacro(projectInfo, parseInfo,
if (macro != null)
parseInfo.description = macro.param1;
projectInfo.appType = AppType.BOOST;
CreateTestFuncInfo(projectInfo, parseInfo);
else if (LineContainsMacro("RUN_TEST_CASE",line))
MacroInfo macro = ReadMacro(projectInfo, parseInfo,
"TTB_BOOST_TEST_CASE", line, lines);
if (macro != null)
parseInfo.description = macro.param1;
projectInfo.appType = AppType.BOOST;
CreateTestFuncInfo(projectInfo, parseInfo);
else if(LineContainsMacro("BOOST_AUTO_TEST_SUITE_END",line))
if (parseInfo.testGroups.Count > 0)
WriteLine(1, "WARNING: Ignoring unbalanced BOOST_AUTO_TEST_SUITE_END in line "
+ parseInfo.GetLineNum() + " of file " + parseInfo.fileFullPath);
else if (LineContainsMacro("BOOST_AUTO_TEST_SUITE",line))
MacroInfo macro = ReadMacro(projectInfo, parseInfo,
"BOOST_AUTO_TEST_SUITE", line, lines);
if (macro != null)
parseInfo.description = macro.param1;
else if (LineContainsMacro("BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_SUITE",line))
MacroInfo macro = ReadMacro(projectInfo, parseInfo,
if (macro != null)
parseInfo.description = macro.param1;
WriteLine(3, "ParseFile-End projectInfo.appType=" + projectInfo.appType);
private bool ReadNextToken(TokenInfo tokenInfo, string line)
tokenInfo.token = "";
// Skip leading white space
int posStart = tokenInfo.startIdx;
while (posStart < line.Length)
if ((line[posStart] == ' ') || (line[posStart] =='\t'))
if (posStart >= line.Length)
return false;
// Start reading
bool readString = (line[posStart] == '"');
bool endOfStringReached = false;
tokenInfo.token += line[posStart];
tokenInfo.startIdx = posStart;
int idx = posStart + 1;
if ((line[posStart]==',') || (line[posStart] == ')'))
// token is already comolete
tokenInfo.endIdx = posStart;
tokenInfo.exists = true;
return true;
else if (readString) // at least another '"' must be found
while ((idx < line.Length) && (!endOfStringReached))
tokenInfo.token += line[idx];
endOfStringReached = line[idx] == '"';
if (endOfStringReached)
tokenInfo.endIdx = idx-1;
tokenInfo.exists = true;
return true;
else // (idx >= line.Length)
WriteLine(1, "ERROR: unsupported syntax: string not closed");
tokenInfo.fatalError = true;
return false;
else // read until " ", ",", ")" or end of line is found
string endChars = " ,)";
while ((idx < line.Length) && (endChars.IndexOf(line[idx], 0) < 0))
tokenInfo.token += line[idx];
tokenInfo.endIdx = idx - 1;
tokenInfo.exists = true;
return true;
private string GetContextInfo(ParseInfo parseInfo)
return " [" + parseInfo.fileFullPath + " line " + (parseInfo.lineIdx + 1) + "]";
// Reads all macros with format: MACRO(), MACRO(param), MACRO(param,param), MACRO( "witin string, you can usse, ()", param)
// White space is automatically skipped, strings containing arbitrary chars are parsed as a single parameter,
// macro is terminated with closing brace ")", macro may have line breaks (up to 3 lines).
private MacroInfo ReadMacro(ProjectInfo projectInfo, ParseInfo parseInfo, string in_macro, string in_line, string[] in_lines)
WriteLine(3, "ReadMacro line " + parseInfo.lineIdx + ": " + in_line);
string line = in_line;
int posStart = line.IndexOf(in_macro) + 1;
posStart = line.IndexOf("(", posStart);
if (posStart < 0) // give up
WriteLine(1, "WARNING: unsupported syntax: '( 'not found" + GetContextInfo(parseInfo));
return null;
TokenInfo tokenInfo = new TokenInfo();
tokenInfo.startIdx = posStart + 1;
// now start reading after the opening brace "("
int maxNumLinesAllowedForMacro = 3;
bool endReached = false;
int paramIdx = 0;
string[] param = new string[] { "", "" };
while (!endReached && !tokenInfo.fatalError && (maxNumLinesAllowedForMacro) > 0)
if (ReadNextToken(tokenInfo, line))
WriteLine(3, "ReadMacro token= " + tokenInfo.token);
if ((tokenInfo.token != ",") && (tokenInfo.token != ")"))
if (paramIdx <= 1)
param[paramIdx] = tokenInfo.token;
WriteLine(3, "ReadMacro unexpected param is ignored: " + tokenInfo.token + GetContextInfo(parseInfo));
endReached = tokenInfo.token == ")";
tokenInfo.startIdx = tokenInfo.endIdx + 1;
if (!tokenInfo.fatalError) // check also next line
if (maxNumLinesAllowedForMacro > 0)
if (parseInfo.lineIdx >= in_lines.Length)
WriteLine(1, "WARNING: unsupported syntax: end of file reached" + GetContextInfo(parseInfo));
return null;
string nextLine = in_lines[parseInfo.lineIdx];
line = line + nextLine;
if (!endReached)
WriteLine(1, "WARNING: unsupported syntax: end of macro not found" + GetContextInfo(parseInfo));
return null;
return new MacroInfo(param[0],param[1]);
/// [parser_func_info]
private void CreateTestFuncInfo(ProjectInfo projectInfo, ParseInfo parseInfo)
// Store the found test group if not already existing
string[] groupNames = parseInfo.GetTestGroupHierarchyString().Split(new Char[] { '/'}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
string groupHierarchyString = "";
List<string> groups = new System.Collections.Generic.List<string>();
if (groupNames.Length == 0)
if (!projectInfo.testFuncWithoutTestGroupFound)
projectInfo.testFuncWithoutTestGroupFound = true;
TestGroupEntry tg = new TestGroupEntry(projectInfo.appType == AppType.BOOST);
tg.fileFullPath = parseInfo.fileFullPath;
tg.lineNum = parseInfo.GetLineNum();
foreach (string grp in groupNames)
groupHierarchyString += (groupHierarchyString.Length > 0 ? "/" : "");
groupHierarchyString += grp;
if (projectInfo.testGroups.Find(x => (x.GetTestGroupHierarchyString() == groupHierarchyString)) == null)
TestGroupEntry tg = new TestGroupEntry(projectInfo.appType == AppType.BOOST);
tg.fileFullPath = parseInfo.fileFullPath;
tg.lineNum = parseInfo.GetLineNum();
// Store the found test function description
TestFuncEntry tf = new TestFuncEntry(projectInfo.appType == AppType.BOOST);
tf.testFunc = parseInfo.description;
tf.fileFullPath = parseInfo.fileFullPath;
tf.lineNum = parseInfo.GetLineNum();
WriteLine(3, "CreateTestFuncInfo: " + tf.testFunc + " within group: " + tf.GetTestGroupHierarchyString()
+ " file: " + tf.fileFullPath + " line: " + tf.lineNum);
/// [parser_func_info]
private void WriteLine(int in_outputLevel, String in_info)
m_eventReceiver.WriteLine(in_outputLevel, in_info);